Çoğu programı kaldırmak için Uygulamalar klasörüne girip çöp kutusuna sürüklemek yeterli olabilir fakat bazı programların kurulum aşamasında bazı paketleri yüklediği de bilinmektedir.
İşte bu paketleri görüntüleme ve silmek için terminal penceresinde pkgutil komutunu kullanmak gerekiyor.
pkgutil komutunu yazarak parametrelerini görebilir ve fazlalık paketleri kaldırmak suretiyle artık kullanımda olmayan veya gereksiz yüklenen paketleri bilgisayarınızdan kaldırabilirsiniz.
pkgutil konutunun sıkça kullanılan parametresi –pkgs ‘dir ve kurulu paketleri listeler.
Geri kalanları da aşağıda yer almaktadır…
MacBook-Pro:Receipts Graphic$ pkgutil
Usage: pkgutil [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS] …
–help Show this usage guide
–verbose, -v Show contextual information and format for easy reading
–force, -f Perform all operations without asking for confirmation
–volume PATH Perform all operations on the specified volume
–edit-pkg PKGID Adjust properties of package PKGID using –learn PATH
–only-files List only files (not directories) in –files listing
–only-dirs List only directories (not files) in –files listing
–regexp Try all PKGID arguments as regular expressions
Receipt Database Commands:
–pkgs, –packages List all currently installed package IDs on –volume
–pkgs-plist List all package IDs on –volume in plist format
–pkgs=REGEXP List package IDs on –volume that match REGEXP
–groups List all GROUPIDs on –volume
–groups-plist List all GROUPIDs on –volume in plist format
–group-pkgs GROUPID List all PKGIDs in GROUPID
–files PKGID List files installed by the specified package
–lsbom PKGID List files in the same format as ‘lsbom -s’
–pkg-groups PKGID List all GROUPIDs that PKGID is a member of
–export-plist PKGID Print all info about PKGID in plist format
–verify PKGID Verify file permissions of the specified package
–repair PKGID Repair file permissions of the specified package
–pkg-info PKGID Show metadata about PKGID
–pkg-info-plist PKGID Show metadata about PKGID in plist format
–file-info PATH Show metadata known about PATH
–file-info-plist PATH Show metadata known about PATH in plist format
–forget PKGID Discard receipt data for the specified package
–learn PATH Update –edit-pkg PKGID with actual metadata from PATH
File Commands:
–expand PKG DIR Expand the flat package PKG to DIR
–flatten DIR PKG Flatten the files at DIR as PKG
–bom PATH Extract any Bom files from the pkg at PATH into /tmp
–payload-files PATH List the paths archived within the (m)pkg at PATH